Sky ablaze with German colours somewhere on the banks of Rhine (Cologne, December 2016).
Photography is my favourite hobby
From serendipitous captures to well planned shots, photography provides a creative and technical avenue. It has taught me to look at the world in a distinct, novel way. I also enjoy the post-processing of photos. I find the editing process very relaxing, with some light music or podcast, and quite similar to astronomical data reduction.
I had my first foray into photography during my undergraduate days when I was surrounded by friends who were learning professionally. After experimenting with different equipment for a couple of years, I bought my first gear in December 2012, which I still use: Nikon D7000 with 18-105 kit lens & 50 mm f/1.8 prime lens. And of course, these days my phone camera gets much more use due to its ubiquitous presence. You can find my photos on flickr (mainly DSLR photos) or instagram (DSLR and phone) or sometimes on facebook or Google+.